Favorite Photos

As they say, a pictures worth a thousand words and these pictures are some of my favorites. The moments they were taken were ones of the purest form of joy and I hope you guys like them too!

1) This picture was taken in the summer of 2014 in Austria. I was there with my family visiting our exchange student, Helene. We had a just gotten through taking a beautiful hike through the Austrian Alps when we sat down on this wall to take a picture. It was probably the most beautiful view I have ever saw.

helene and i on ledge

2) This picture was also taken the same day, though I must admit it took some convincing on my part before my mom would let me get this shot, seeing as there was a cliff directly in front of me.

me standing by mountians

3) Obviously this is a picture of my brother, it was taken in the fall of 2015 and it might not look like much, but I have so many good memories of this day. It was taken at a pumpkin patch near my parent’s house and we had been taking funny pictures the whole time. If you look close, you can see how hard my brother was trying not to laugh, and it actually took a few minutes before I could get this picture where he was not laughing.

rollin and statue

4) My Dad snapped this photo of me jumping into a river in Tennessee the summer of 2014. We were exploring a state park in the Smokey Mountains when we saw people jumping into the river here. The water was freezing since it was coming right out of the mountain, but I love jumping off things and this cliff in combination with the deep pool of water below created an opportunity I just couldn’t pass up!

jumping off cliff

5) My Dad, who may be the crazy picture taking master was fearless on a roller coaster when he whipped out his phone and turned around to snap this picture of Helene and I just as we were nearing the top of the rollercoaster, Magnum at Cedar Point.

roller coaster

6) Of course we could not get through this post without a picture of my Woozanator! She was just so cute that night waking up for a kiss!


7) I took this picture off a bridge in Chicago in the spring of 2013. It was a perfect night in the city and I loved the way the lights reflected into the water.

chicago lights

8) This picture was also taken in Chicago in Spring of 2013. I’m sure you can imagine how terrifying it was to sit in a room made entirely of glass on the top floor of the Sears Tower. The top floor was so high that my ears popped on the elevator ride up. Standing in this room was incredibly exhilarating. Your senses contradict themselves because you the city below, but you’re not standing on it. It gives you a feeling similar to the one you get when you stand on the edge of something and you feel like you’re about to fall.

glass room

9) This is my brother and I. The picture was also taken on our trip to Tennessee on my 19th birthday. It’s about the closest thing I have managed to a serious picture that I have managed to capture of us in the last 15 years.

Rollin and I

10) Ice Skating is one of those things that I always watch on TV and really wish I would have been good at. I’m not bad, but I can’t actually do any tricks like this and this photo was completely posed haha! But it does make for a great picture that encapsulates something I wish I was awesome at!

ice skating

11) This picture was taken in the summer of 2013 and it encompasses two things that I love, skim boarding, and Lake Michigan where I dream of living in a tiny house on the beach where I would write every day by the water.

skim boarding

12) This last photo is really important to me. In it I am holding hands with our first exchange student who lived with me and whom I graduated with my senior year of high school. I look this picture after we gave each other friendship bracelets after we didn’t see each other for  a year when I was finally able to go to Germany. They are the matching green and pink ones, and mine stayed on for close to a year.

lara and i hands

Thank you so so much for reading and if you like what you see, follow my blog on wordpress and like it on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HannahsBeautyandHair

See you guys on Thursday! Have a great week!



DIY Lightbulb Vace

light blubl vace

Now before I go into this tutorial I just want t0o make it clear that you should be wearing those big funny safety glasses and some protective gloves while you do this because it does involve glass. If you’re a child (or even a clumsy college student who’s doing their first DIY and just trying to avoid blowing something up) ask your parents or a non-accident-prone adult for help.

In order to make this you are going to need a few things:

  1. Safety Glasses
  2. Protective Gloves
  3. A Lightbulb
  4. Pliers (you can get away with scissors, that’s what I did, but I would not recommend it, seeing as that seemed much more dangerous)
  5. A Nail to hang it from
  6. Some sort of String (I used yarn)
  7. Flowers

The first thing you are going to do is take your light bulb and pliers and use the pliers to bend up the gold circular thing on the top of the bulb.


After you have it bent, you are going to want to pull that sucker off! Then you should be left with something like this:

light blub 4

The next step is the hardest part. You have to break the black glass thing that is left after you remove the gold plate. I recommend doing this by taping your pliers on the black thing. Once you break off a bit, you should be able to take it out in pieces.

Please be very careful with this part and wear protective gloves. Be sure to find a balance between being able to break the glass without breaking the bulb. Also PLEASE NO INJURIES!!

Once the black glass is gone you will notice a few more things inside of the bulb that you want to get out. To get them out I recommend using your pliers to break up the pieces inside the bulb, then you should be able to bump them out and into the trash. Please excuse the terrible screeching noise the pliers or scissors will make when they rub against the side of the blub, I know it’s like nails on a chalkboard and just may be the most brutal part of this entire process.

When everything from the inside of the bulb is in the trash, you are going to want to clean the inside of the blub to make it transparent, and to get the white power stuff out seeing as I am SURE there is no way that stuff is good for flowers. To do that, just pour some soap and water inside the empty bulb. The while part should be washed away by the water fairly easily.

The bulb should become transparent fairly easily and that’s when you know you’re almost done. To finish tie your string to the end of the bulb, then fill it with water. Tie the other end of the string to your nail in the wall, put in some flowers and you’re set! Remember to change the water for your flowers every few days so they stay good!

Again, please be careful with this DIY as it can be dangerous! If you have any questions, comment them down below, and once again, if you like my blog follow me on wordpress and on facebook at, https://www.facebook.com/HannahsBeautyandHair



Tonight’s Post!

If your interested I will finally be posting that DIY tonight! So if anyone’s interested in making a lightbulb flower vace, check out my page tonight probably around 8! Sorry I didn’t post last week, but unless the lucky day comes that I can survive and make money off this blog, homework still has to come first! Also I was busy spending time with my adorable dog this weekend. Check out my DIY here tonight though!


Hello everyone, I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a few days! I have a DIY written out for you guys it’s just a matter of uploading it so hopefully I will have a chance to tonight! So I didn’t forget about this and will be back soon!

Growing Out Your Hair, Fast


As many of you know, I am trying to grow out my hair. I have had short hair my entire life and I loved it but I want to see what I will look like with long hair and I figure, at 20,if I don’t start now, by the time it’s long, then I would be old O.o Anyway, I have come pretty far, the picture above of my short hair is from when I was a freshman in college, not quite two years ago. So the growth you see here is from about a year and a half of growing out my hair. So here I have put together some of my biggest tips from growing out your hair.

  1. Less Washing- I cannot stress this enough, contrary to popular belief, you do not need to wash your hair every day. Shampoo strips your hair of the natural oils that keep it healthy and help it grow. Washing it every day dries your hair out which promotes split ends and breakage. If you are asking yourself, how could I possibly not wash once a day then take a look at my previous post, https://hannahsbeautyandhair.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/wash-rinse-and-repeat-or-maybe-not/
  2. Wide Tooth Comb- You know that ripping sound you hear every morning when you brush your hair? That’s one thing that really is as bad as it sounds. Replace your brush with a wide tooth comb. Wide tooth combs are much more gentle on your hair, and work especially well if you have curly hair and don’t want that poofy look that you get after brushing it. Wide tooth combs do not rip through tangles and promote split ends and on top of that, you can use it right out of the shower!
  3. Inversion Therapy- If you are looking for something quick to grow your hair or even just help make your hair healthier, I highly recommend inversion therapy. Check out my blog post about it here https://hannahsbeautyandhair.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/inversion-therapy-my-take/
  4. Trims- Now I am not going to sit here and tell you to go get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. I honestly just went a whole year without getting a trim…however I would not promote that either. Trims at the right time are important, but you need to know when to get them. Typically the healthier you can keep your hair, the longer you can go between trims. Believe it or not at my last trim my hairdresser said that my hair was in pretty good condition and that I didn’t need to take much off, but it’s just a matter of how healthy you can keep your hair. Trims are important though, if you have split ends they will continue splitting higher and higher up your hair if you don’t nip them in the butt, so make sure you get a trim, but only when you start seeing split ends.
  5. Be Nice To Your Hair- I’m not going to say don’t ever use hot tools or get your hair colored or anything. I will be the first to admit that I am a former, I-straighten-my-hair-everyday kind of girl, but the less you use hot tools on your hair the faster it is going to grow. Furthermore, be nice to your hair, don’t pull it into a tight pony tail every day or tease it all the time. I know it might be hard, but letting your hair go natural is one of my biggest tips for growing it out.

10 Things All Dogless Dog Lovers Know to be True

Dog picture1

Say hello to my adorable dog, Princess, or as I call her, The Woozanator (Woozanator because I have it in my head that lots of people lift their dog in the air and say to them, “Whosa wooza wooza” and obviously, the dog is the wooza, and in order to make wooza cool I came up with The Woozanator) she’s a 14 year old Maltese and I’ve had her since I was 7. I love that dog TO DEATH. So I’m dedicating this post to her!

While The Woozanator is my dog, she had to stay at my parents when I made the trek to college since my apartment complex has a strict no pet policy. I’ve had dogs my entire life, so living somewhere that doesn’t allow dogs has been grueling! But It has inspired this list of 10 Things All Dogless Dog Lovers Know to be True.

1. Seeing Other people’s dogs is a blessing and a curse– Aww, your dog is so cute! What’s his name? Speckle? Awwww Speckle, who’s a good boy? You’re so cute!! What kind of dog is he?? A Maltese?? Oh that’s just like my Woozanator!!! My Woozanator…but, she had to stay at my parents house when I came to college and…*wipes away tear* I have not saw her in weeks!!! *Goes home and asks mom for recent dog pictures*

2. You Have a Million Dog Pictures on Your Phone– Your dog, my dog, red dog, blue dog. They’re all there for that mid class day dream about your life plus a dog.

dog 4                                                                                                                           

3.Your Friends Are Sick of your Dog Pictures– Have I showed you a picture of my dog? No?? Oh she’s the cutest little thing! This is a picture of her in her puppy days, and this is one in her Christmas sweater, this is one of her new haircut, this is one when she woke up all sleepy and cuddly one morning I was home, OH and look at this one I managed to snap right while she was licking her nose!


4.  You Consider Getting a Different Kind of Pet, but Decide Against It- Hm, I wonder if that rumor that bunnies are aloud here is true. *Runs to Apartment Office* Hurry!!! Someone!! I have a question!!! Alarmed manager stumbles out from office, what?? What’s wrong?? Is it true that bunnies are aloud?? *Displeased look on managers face* yes, yes that is true. *Runs out of office and back to bedroom to research bunny breeds, spends hours researching all to decide that a bunny might be nice, but as soon as you move somewhere you can have a dog, you probably won’t love the bunny anymore and ultimately decide that it’s against both the bunny and your own interest to get one*

5. Your Constantly Dreaming about Future Dogs– Thinks to self, a Pomsky?!?!?! Who ever even knew that was a thing? An adorably colorful fluffy little ball of fluff?? Hopefully when I move out of here I will be able to find a breeder in the area!!

6. The Sarah McLachlan SPCA Commercials are a Literal Hell for you: Stop it!! Stop it!!! The adorable dogs and sad music are just too much for me to handle! Mercy!! I will adopt one! I will adopt 2!! I will adopt them all!!!! Just as soon as I move out of this place…CURSE THIS APARTMENT COMPLEX AND SARAH MCLACHLAN!!!

7. You Know that Emotional Support Dogs are a Thing- You know all the ins and outs to acquiring one, but just haven’t found a doctor who quite understands that you feel so much better about life when you have a tail wagging ball of fluff to come home to!

8. You’re Angry at All of the Landlords Who Only Allow Cats- Cat friendly, cat friendly, cat friendly…AREN’T ANY OF THESE PLACES DOG FRIENDLY?? MUST YOU BE A CAT PERSON IN ORDER TO BE A LANDLORD????

9. You’ve Considered A profession as a Dogwalker- I could make business cards and post signs and make a DIY fanny pack to carry dog treats and plastic bags and dog food and water, I could bring toys and take them to the dog park!!! Who wouldn’t want me to walk their dog??

10. When You Go Home, You and Your Dog Are A Unit- You’re sure to make arrangements with your Mom to bring your dog when she picks you up, (that way all your friends can meet her of course!) and when you get back you do everything together. Including getting kicked out of multiple stores because apparently you cannot take your dog to the grocery store. One thing is for sure though, there’s nothing quite as good as dog kisses when it’s been a month since you’ve seen your barking four-legged friend!

Dog Picture 3